Tooth loss is actually a lot more common than you’d think. Not only do nearly 180 million people have at least one missing tooth, but roughly 40 million are missing all of them! Modern dentures can be affordable and quick to receive, but they also can be uncomfortable after enough time and don’t resolve all problems caused by severe tooth loss. That’s where implant dentures in Dallas can make a huge difference in your long-term oral health and quality of life! Call Midtown Family Dentistry to learn how dental implants can give your smile a major boost!
Implant dentures are dentures held in place by a series of dental implants surgically placed into the jaw so they can fuse with the jawbone and surrounding gum tissue. Instead of relying on the natural shape of the mouth and suction to the gums, your denture snaps on top of your dental implants. This provides you with superior fit, comfort, and longevity compared to other tooth replacements. You have two options to consider when choosing implant dentures.
Fixed implant dentures remain in place indefinitely once attached. They should only be removed by a dentist. Because they require more bone tissue to keep in place, usually four to six implants are needed.
Unlike fixed implant dentures, removable ones do not require as much bone tissue or as many dental implants (roughly two to five depending on your jawbone). They can also be easily removed for cleaning at home.
Our office partners with some of the most trusted oral surgeons in the area to perform the surgical portion of your treatment. The implant denture process occurs in four main phases: consultation, surgery, healing, and restoration. After confirming your oral health and eligibility to receive dental implants, you’ll be scheduled for surgery to have the implants attached. Over the next four to six months, the implants will osseointegrate (or fuse with your jawbone) to give your permanent restoration the stability it needs.
While treatment for dental implants takes longer on average to complete, it’s worth it for those looking for a more long-lasting solution to severe tooth loss that isn’t traditional dentures. We’ll make sure to review your specific needs and goals before making any recommendations. In order to receive implant dentures, you’ll need to have good enough overall health to undergo minor surgery as well as positive oral health (meaning no gum disease or tooth decay should be present). You’ll also have to have enough healthy bone tissue or the implants won’t integrate properly.
When dental implants are responsible for holding your denture in place, you can expect many benefits you won’t find with a traditional denture. For example, implant dentures: