Midtown Dentistry has been helping patients replace their missing teeth for years. Our team of dentists understand the emotional, physical, and mental toll an incomplete smile can take on a person. This is why we make it our goal to offer everyone who comes through our doors the opportunity to regain their confidence and smile with dentures and partials in Dallas, TX. If you want a reliable way to restore your smile, contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Whether you are missing a few teeth or all of your teeth, almost anyone can get dentures. First, you will need to schedule a consultation with your dentist so they can determine whether you are eligible for this treatment. If you don’t make a good candidate, you could possibly become one by restoring the health of the gum tissue and bone structure. Continue reading to learn more.
Teeth are very strong, but they aren’t completely indestructible. The most common causes behind missing teeth include tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there are a variety of negative health effects that you can experience from tooth loss, including facial sagging, difficulty speaking, trouble eating, and lower self-esteem. By replacing your missing teeth with dentures, you can improve all of these areas, therefore positively influencing your quality of life.
Dentures are ideal for patients who have experienced significant tooth loss. People who get dentures must also be committed to their dental health routine and willing to properly care for their dentures and smile. The number of teeth you are missing will determine which type of dentures is ideal for you. One of the great things about dentures is the fact that they are more affordable than other tooth replacement options, like dental implants. This makes them a good option for patients who are on a budget.
If you don’t make a good candidate for dentures or they don’t seem to be up your alley, you may want to consider other tooth replacement options, like dental bridges or implants. Here is what each one consists of:
Patients who have lost all their teeth either on top or bottom, or both, can benefit from full dentures; however, those individuals who’ve only lost a few teeth along one row will find a partial denture better fits their needs. Both solutions achieve the same goal, which is to restore a person’s smile.
Using a gum-colored base, artificial teeth are attached to create the look of new teeth and gums. Full dentures sit on top of the gum line, offering an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The idea of a denture just “sitting” there can make some people nervous, especially with stories of accidental slippage occurring at the most inappropriate time. However, advancements in dentistry have made it possible so that full dentures are much less likely to slip or fall out.
If you are in need of a top denture, you can expect it to cover the entire roof of your mouth, but if you’re only needing a bottom one, it will be made to look like a horseshoe, so there’s plenty of room for your tongue.
Your natural suction is what holds them in place, but we often suggest that if you want an added layer of security, a denture adhesive can help.
Partial dentures are a superb choice for individuals with only a few missing teeth on a top or bottom row. Acting as a puzzle piece, it is made using the same gum-colored base and artificial teeth, only you’ll see there is a metal wire that protrudes from each end. Whether it is clips or clasps, these are what secure your partial denture into place.
Your dentist in Dallas will use your natural teeth to hold it in place, preventing it from falling or slipping out of your mouth.
Now that you’ve made the life-changing decision to get dentures, you may be wondering what the entire process looks like. Understanding how your new prosthetics are made and what types of materials will be used to create them will help you not only appreciate your new smile, but also why caring for them properly is so important. Here’s how the magic works!
Your new dentures are made of two important parts: the base, and the teeth (crowns). Here’s a closer look at each:
Because each denture is custom crafted for your individual mouth, it will require a multi-step process to create. Here’s a step-by-step guide to what this usually looks like:
It is completely normal for patients to feel some level of discomfort when you first get dentures, even if you’ve worn them before. Initially, this may include mild soreness, or difficulties eating or speaking with them. While this can be frustrating, your mouth will adjust to them with time, and eventually they’ll feel just like natural teeth.
To ensure that the adjustment period goes as smoothly as possible, be sure to follow your dentist’s aftercare plan closely. Be sure to eat a soft diet, exercise your facial muscles, and even experiment with denture adhesive at first to help make this transition easier.
If you are still struggling to get acclimated, reach out to your dentist, as you may need an additional adjustment.
As a tried-and-true replacement option, dentures offer many benefits to patients looking for a smile restoration. Below, you’ll find a list of these benefits, which should give you a good idea of what life will be like with dentures or partials. If you have any questions or concerns after giving this information a readthrough, don’t hesitate to call our office in Dallas!
Nowadays, dentures and partials look perfectly natural. Thanks to this seamless replacement, you can enjoy the bolstered confidence that comes with a full smile! Grin as wide as you want, because no one – from friends and family to employers – will be able to tell that your teeth are false.
Not many people realize it, but teeth are essential for speech, especially in English. T, D, N, Z, and L sounds are made by positioning your tongue against your pearly whites. Thus, with a full dental lineup, you’ll be able to produce clearer enunciation and speak more easily. After your denture treatment in Dallas, you’ll be able to look forward to having a smooth conversation with your loved ones.
Did you know that studies have revealed that those with missing teeth often experience nutrient deficiencies? It’s harder to chew effectively when there are gaps in your smile, which affects how well your body absorbs the vitamins and minerals in your food. A fuller dental arch means better chewing, which in turn means better nutrition!
When there are large gaps between your pearly whites, your teeth will start to shift out of alignment in order to compensate. This can create bite issues, jaw pain, oral discomfort, nutrient deficiencies, and other types of health complications. By filling those gaps with partials or dentures, you effectively preserve the shape of your dental structure and avoid these costly issues.
A complete smile doesn’t just boost your own confidence, but also other people’s confidence in you! Researchers have found a correlation between your oral health and effective first impressions. Those with fuller, healthier teeth tend to receive more job offers, promotions, and even first dates. With dentures or partials supporting your smile, you’ll enjoy expanded social opportunities.
Patients who opt for implant-retained dentures find that this type of tooth replacement treatment offers greater stability and longevity. Having 4 to 6 implants strategically and surgically placed into the jawbone, it creates a solid foundation for a custom-made denture to snap into place.
Once fully healed, patients return to our dental office where they will receive their customized denture.
The benefits of this type of tooth replacement solution include:
It’s impossible to provide the exact cost of dentures in Dallas because every patient is unique. The only way to get an accurate price estimate is by attending a consultation with our team. At Midtown Family Dentistry, we’ll explain which factors influence the cost and what you can expect to pay during your first appointment. Rest assured – we’ll have detailed discussions regarding the pricing information to ensure you understand everything you need to know.
When calculating the cost of dentures in Dallas, there are several factors you must take into consideration. Some of those include:
Patients on a budget may be tempted to choose more affordable dentures. However, that’s not considered ideal. Just because they’re cheaper doesn’t mean they’re worth having! They may break easily or require replacement much sooner than anticipated, which is why it’s always best to invest in a higher-quality solution. For something that’ll get used every day, you want it to be worth every penny!
Yes, but for a very good reason. Implant dentures require oral surgery and the placement of multiple dental implants. Since the titanium posts are inserted into the jawbone, they’re more reliable for day-to-day use because you don’t have to worry about your artificial teeth moving out of place. Plus, dental implants help stimulate the jawbone, providing you with increased biting strength and longevity. Unlike traditional dentures, you can also enjoy your newly rebuilt smile for decades with proper care and maintenance!
Most dental insurance plans offer coverage for dentures because they’re considered a major procedure. In many cases, you can expect your policy to cover around 50% of the total cost. Of course, the exact percentage will vary based on your unique plan. That’s why it’s incredibly important to confirm the details of your coverage with your insurance provider before committing to anything. Our team is more than happy to help with that step if needed! We’ll do what we can to maximize your benefits and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.
Don’t have dental insurance? No problem! You can sign up for in-house savings plan to save money on your treatment. For one low annual fee, you can get all the preventive dental care you need and enjoy sizeable discounts on other services like dentures. Additionally, we offer third-party financing through CareCredit and Sunbit to help you save even more money. These programs allow you to split up the total cost of your treatment into smaller monthly installments. Best of all, most plans come with little-to-no interest attached! Should you have any questions about these financing options, don’t hesitate to contact our office and ask for more information. We’re always happy to help!
If you’re looking for a reliable way to restore your smile, dentures in Dallas are an excellent choice. However, choosing how to replace your missing teeth is a big decision, so it’s only natural to have some questions that need answers before you’re ready to commit to dentures! We’ll be happy to answer all your questions and walk you through the process of getting dentures when you visit us for a consultation, but in the meantime, here are some of the most common questions we get about dentures so you can learn more about them.
Before we fit you with dentures, it’s important that your mouth is healthy. Sometimes, this may involve extracting damaged, weakened, or decayed teeth. While you’ll likely be anxious to have your teeth replaced right away, it’s essential that we give your mouth enough time to heal before starting the denture process. Not only will this make wearing dentures more comfortable for you, but it will ensure that your dentures fit properly and securely. Typically, you’ll need to wait a few weeks after having teeth extracted to get dentures.
Once you have your new dentures, it’s normal to experience some minor discomfort. After all, your mouth, jaws, and gums need to adjust to the presence of this new restoration in your mouth. While you may feel some soreness at first, it should naturally go away on its own over time. In the meantime, you can keep your smile comfortable by eating soft foods, taking smaller bites, chewing evenly on both sides of your mouth, and enjoying cold foods and drinks. If needed, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers as directed on the label, but remember, this should not be a long-term solution. If your dentures continue to bother you, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We may be able to adjust them to make sure you’re comfortable.
Dentures allow you to eat a full, nutritious diet once again. However, it is important to note that it will take some time to get used to eating with dentures. At first, you should stick to a diet of soft foods. As you begin to feel more confident in your chewing abilities, you can gradually add in harder, crunchier, and stickier foods. While the time this process takes is different for everyone, it typically takes about a month. Then, you should be able to eat almost anything!
Dentures are extremely customized, so there is no set price for them. Many factors go into their final cost, including the size of your denture, materials used, the need for preliminary treatments, and if it’s being anchored in place with dental implants. If you have dental insurance, you can likely expect your policy to cover your dentures as a “major procedure/restoration” which typically earns it 50% coverage. We are an insurance-friendly practice and will always work to ensure your benefits are being maximized. For uninsured patients, we also offer our own in-house dental membership plan as well as several affordable financing options.
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