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Protecting Your Profile: How Tooth Loss Can Affect the Shape of Your Face

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zach Kingsberg @ 11:13 pm
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Tooth loss is an unfortunately common problem that can lead to a range of unfortunate health consequences such as gum injuries, indigestion, and malnutrition, but many people may not be aware of how it can change the shape of the face over time. Neglecting to replace missing teeth can deprive the jawbone of the exercise it needs to stay healthy and strong, and the resulting bone loss can lead to facial changes as well as dental misalignments. Here’s a brief guide to how the face changes after tooth loss and how your dentist can address the problem.

How Does Tooth Loss Affect the Face?

Like every other part of the body, the jawbone needs exercise to stay healthy and strong, and it normally gets this stimulation from the natural teeth during the chewing process. Unfortunately, this exercise is lost after tooth loss, leading to the bone structure that supported the tooth atrophying and receding. If a patient goes with missing teeth for too long, the loss of jaw mass can cause the cheeks to sag, the lips to wrinkle and wither, and the chin to protrude so it looks slightly pointy.

How Does Tooth Loss Affect Oral Health?

The loss of even a single tooth can have significant negative consequences for the rest of a person’s oral health. Tooth loss can unevenly redistribute the pressure of chewing, resulting in greater wear and tear on the remaining teeth. To make matters worse, the way the jawbone atrophies after tooth loss can pull other teeth out of alignment, making them more vulnerable to injury, infection, and becoming dislodged.

How Can I Preserve the Shape of My Face and My Oral Health?

Thankfully, your dentist offers a selection of lifelike appliances designed to replace missing teeth and preserve the shape of the face. These include:

  • Dental bridges: These devices are one or more artificial teeth suspended between two dental crowns or mounted on two dental implants, and they can replace one or several sequential missing teeth.
  • Dentures: These removable appliances can replace many missing teeth throughout the mouth or even full dental arches.
  • Dental implants: Since these titanium posts are surgically placed in the jawbone, they can restore the stimulation it needs to stay healthy and strong, which can prevent or reverse the process of bone loss.

Replacing your lost teeth with a suitable prosthetic appliance can allow you to enjoy a complete smile while maintaining the shape of your face and preserving the health of your remaining teeth. Consulting with your dentist can help you find out if any of these methods are right for you.

About the Practice

Midtown Family Dentistry of Dallas offers outstanding oral health services from its office in Texas. Led by Drs. Minnie Koo, Matthew Arnold, and Jay Patel, the staff ensures that each patient receives exemplary dental care as well as excellent customer service. Areas of expertise include general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as the tooth replacement options listed here. If you’d like to replace your missing teeth, contact the office online or dial (469) 529-6016.

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