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3 Reasons Why a Tooth Might Need to Come Out (Even Though It Doesn’t Hurt)

September 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zach Kingsberg @ 1:26 pm
young woman smiling with braces

Overall, a dentist’s goal is to help their patients maintain their natural teeth for as long as possible. So for most people, they will only recommend a tooth extraction if someone is in a lot of pain or there is so much damage that repair is impossible.

However, there are multiple situations where a dentist might suggest removing a tooth even if a patient isn’t hurting, which can certainly be confusing! If nothing is wrong, why does it need to come out? Here are the top three reasons why a tooth extraction might just be what your smile needs.


Orthodontics is a sub-field within dentistry that focuses on the alignment of the teeth and bite. If anything is crooked, the teeth are shifted using familiar methods like braces or Invisalign. However, in order for the teeth to move, they need one essential thing—space.

Sometimes, the teeth can be so crowded that there is literally nowhere for them to go, meaning that orthodontics will be effectively useless. To get around this, a dentist might perform an extraction to create the room needed for orthodontics to do its magic.

Stubborn Baby Teeth

A child’s primary (baby) teeth typically start to fall out around six years old, but much like trying to get a toddler to put on their shoes, they can be quite stubborn sometimes. Whether due to its positioning or size, a baby tooth can end up staying put and blocking an incoming adult tooth, which can cause it to erupt incorrectly (or not at all).

This can lead to a chain reaction where one tooth is misdirected, and this affects the others in the row. To avoid this, all a dentist has to do is clear the path by removing the baby tooth. Thankfully, this is typically a very comfortable procedure, and a little nitrous oxide can help calm even the most nervous children.

Preparing for a Denture

Dentures can be used to replace just a few or even all of a patient’s teeth, but similar to orthodontics, they require room to be properly fitted in the mouth. In this case, an extraction might serve two purposes. It can remove a tooth that is failing/decaying, plus it can create the space necessary for a denture so that it sits comfortably and securely on the gums.  

Like every other service your dentist offers, tooth extractions can serve a multitude of purposes when it comes to protecting and preserving your oral health. Thankfully, with today’s techniques and technology, this procedure is usually over before the patient even realizes it!

About the Practice

Dr. KooDr. Arnold, and Dr. Patel allow our patients to get all the dental treatments they might need for themselves and their loved ones right here in Dallas, including extractions for children, teens, and adults. Whether for yourself or your child, we always put patient comfort first so that the time in the chair seems to fly by.

For more details or to book a visit, click here or call us at (469)-529-6016.

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