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Protecting Your Profile: How Tooth Loss Can Affect the Shape of Your Face

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zach Kingsberg @ 11:13 pm
Lady thinks something over

Tooth loss is an unfortunately common problem that can lead to a range of unfortunate health consequences such as gum injuries, indigestion, and malnutrition, but many people may not be aware of how it can change the shape of the face over time. Neglecting to replace missing teeth can deprive the jawbone of the exercise it needs to stay healthy and strong, and the resulting bone loss can lead to facial changes as well as dental misalignments. Here’s a brief guide to how the face changes after tooth loss and how your dentist can address the problem.


Extracting Baby Teeth? It Happens, and Here’s Why

October 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zach Kingsberg @ 8:44 pm
Little girl pointing at her missing teeth

Under normal circumstances, your child’s baby teeth play an important role in their oral development. They help kids learn how to talk, chew, and even guide permanent teeth into position. Knowing this, you might be even more confused as to why your family dentist is recommending a tooth extraction for your child!

Though not exactly common, it does happen, and often for good reason. Keep reading to find out why.

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