Invisalign allows many people to achieve straighter smiles without having to worry about wearing metal brackets and wires. While the treatment is very reliable, it doesn’t always go exactly as planned; sometimes refinements may be needed to reach the results that you want. Before you commit to wearing clear aligners, you should have a firm idea of what Invisalign refinements are and why they might be needed.
What Exactly are Invisalign Refinements?
The Invisalign process involves wearing a series of clear aligners for about 20 to 22 hours daily. Each aligner helps guide the teeth slightly closer to their ideal positions. However, sometimes the teeth don’t move exactly as expected, which is where Invisalign refinements come in.
The refinements are essentially just additional aligners meant to give the teeth a little extra help in reaching the positions intended for them. Your dentist or orthodontist can determine whether refinements are necessary when you visit them for an Invisalign follow-up appointment. If you do end up needing refinements, the extra aligners will be created and added to your treatment plan. You can generally expect Invisalign refinement to lengthen the treatment timeline by a few months.
Why Might You Need Invisalign Refinements?
Not every patient will require Invisalign refinements. They are only recommended when the teeth don’t move according to plan. This can happen due to certain teeth simply being more difficult to move. It might also be a result of aligners not being worn long enough, being switched out prematurely, or being worn in the wrong order.
How Can You Keep Your Invisalign Treatment On Track?
If you want to minimize your chances of needing Invisalign refinements, then you will want to take these steps to keep your treatment on schedule:
- Follow all instructions that your dentist or orthodontist gives you regarding how long to wear your aligners.
- Practice good oral hygiene to protect your smile from issues that could disrupt the Invisalign process.
- Protect your aligners so that they don’t get lost or damaged. Make sure to put them away in their storage case whenever they’re outside of your mouth.
- Continue to visit your dentist or orthodontist regularly so that they can confirm that the Invisalign treatment is proceeding as planned.
Bear in mind that even if you do everything right, you may still end up needing Invisalign refinements. But don’t worry; even if they end up extending your treatment time, the refinements will ultimately help you achieve a straighter smile that you can be proud to show off to the world.
About the Practice
At Midtown Family Dentistry of Dallas, we have multiple dental experts under a single roof, all of whom are dedicated to making sure that your entire family receives high-quality dental care. Among the many services that we provide, we are proud to offer Invisalign as a way to straighten crooked teeth or correct other orthodontic issues. To schedule a consultation with our team, visit our website or call (469) 529-6016.