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A Timeline for Recovery: Healing from Wisdom Tooth Extraction

April 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zach Kingsberg @ 8:38 am
A woman holding a wisdom tooth while suffering mouth pain

If you need a wisdom tooth removed, you likely want to get treatment over with. The process is painless but not fun, so many folks prefer to receive it and be on their way. However, this procedure isn’t something you can just carelessly rush through. Healing from wisdom tooth extraction can take a while and requires careful attention. As for the specifics, let your Dallas dentist explain the matter. Here’s what to expect while recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction and some tips on speeding up your recovery.

Recovery Timeline for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

You won’t heal from your tooth extraction overnight. Instead, doing so can take up to two weeks of your time. This recovery should look a lot like what’s described below:

24 Hours Post-Surgery

Over the first 24 hours after the extraction, a blood clot should form at your treatment site. Be careful with this clot – it protects the underlying bone and nerves in the area. To be specific, it prevents bacteria and other debris from causing pain or infections. The result is a safer and smoother healing process.

First 3 Days After Surgery

Your mouth and cheeks may swell in the three days after your extraction. This symptom is normal, as fluid and blood cells gather when body tissues are hurt. So, expect some puffiness around your mouth for a while. The bright side is that this effect is short-lived; it should improve after the 3-day mark.

1 Week After Surgery

You’ll be halfway done healing once it’s been seven days after the extraction. At that point, your dentist will remove any stitches still present at the treatment site. Any soreness in your jaw should also have faded. In fact, most of your post-procedure pain ought to be gone.

2 Weeks After Surgery

You’ll be fully healed from your extraction when you’ve reached the two-week mark. Any remaining symptoms you had should have disappeared. For example, any bruising on your cheeks or mouth will have vanished. Instead, those areas should appear as they usually do.

How to Speed Up Recovery

Of course, you can ensure your recovery doesn’t take more than two weeks. Simply follow tips and tricks like the following:

  • Follow a Liquid Diet on the 1st Day – Only consume liquids in the first 24 hours after your extraction. Doing so should keep your blood clot from getting dislodged.
  • Don’t Use Tobacco or Alcohol – Tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, etc.) delay the healing process. At the same time, alcohol raises the risk of a post-treatment infection.
  • Do Saltwater Mouth Rinses – Once it’s been 24 hours since your surgery, clean your mouth daily with saltwater rinses. This action prevents inflammation and makes oral issues less likely later.

Healing from wisdom tooth extraction doesn’t have to be too annoying. By noting its timeline and recovery tips, your smile will be at its best in no time.

About the Practice

Midtown Family Dentistry is based in Dallas, TX. Led by Drs. Koo, Arnold, and Patel, our practice strives to provide quality dental care to families all across DFW. That means we offer a wide range of dental services, including preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, as well as emergency procedures. Our team is even well-equipped to perform wisdom tooth extractions as needed. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (469)-529-6016.

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