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If You Don’t Know These Dental-Implant-Related Words, You Aren’t Alone

December 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zach Kingsberg @ 4:27 am

Dental implants are marvels of modern dentistry. The so-called “implant revolution” recently swept over the field, meaning increased research and investment in making these prostheses as effective as they can be.

While this is excellent for patients, it also means that understanding everything that dental implants have to offer can be a bit complicated as a layperson. Even understanding some of jargon you’ll hear surrounding dental implants might be a bit difficult.

If you’re interested in learning more about what this dental treatment can do for you, here are a few terms you might run into.


Staying Steady When Your Dental Implant Feels Loose

December 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Zach Kingsberg @ 4:23 am

When you look into dental implants a little bit, one of the first things that you’ll discover is their remarkable durability. They routinely outlast other methods of tooth replacement by two-to-one, with a majority surviving well over 30 years.

However, there are instances where dental implants can fail, or could start to feel loose. If you ever notice this happening, here’s what your next step should be.

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